Friday, January 12, 2007

boo! kinda bored. projects deadlines are coming XD. and animation proj is still not given. so dead.

eh got my grades for the common tests liao. tat time had 3 papers - cost accounting, c++, and ddi. B, B, C respectively. PPL, I'm REALLY TYCO DE. BELIEVE ME. (eh well i did study for the accounting paper. lotsa ppl got B). yea today's ddi's quiz i think i tyco again, cos the fill in the blanks i anyhow filled 4, and there's like sixteen blanks. t/f and mcq i also ticam. heng i pass XD. 55 nia tho. eh hope this tyco ness wun go away XD. during cny i wanna win money!

bahsss. but this luck is not helping in everything.

eeehh i'm hungry. msn-ing with gz.. talked abt mac... then batok's 24hr mac.. then ya, i used to live at bt batok mahhh... lotsa nice food there! last time i go down jiu can buy food le lor.. hokkien mee~ char kuay tiao~ zhi cha~ rojak~ western~ wu xiang~ prata~ carrot cake~ hao jian~ oh my gooodnesss. i'm hungry =(.