那个罗锦瑜啊, 硬要我BLOG. 最近也没什么好写.. 那我就让大家看我今晚煮的晚餐
. 哈哈.
我煮了一大腕.. 哈哈..
这一小碗是我的.. 很好吃哦.. 有放乳酪..( cheese is ru lao hor? haha)
eh.. that's my dinner lo.. i cooked de leh! haha.. yummie.. then ah.. zhen shi de.. my mama cook bee hoon. then i also ate 1 bowl of bee hoon cos she cook a lot. zui jin lost 1 kg, now i think gonna gain back liaox -_-. oh.. before i started cooking, i was watching Fruit Basket.. goodie anime.. haha.
been burning my jing ru folder li mian de dong xi out.. haha.. this folder is using up most of the space in the D drive.. keke. ling zhi and SHE de hai hao.. SHE mostly is videos hai4 de. ling zhi de ne.. hen duo zhao pian.. dou bu zen me ke yi jian ren de =X. haha. after clearing these stuff, i believe the disk space will look more shun yan to me. =)