Saturday, September 26, 2009

short update for the week (25 sept)

mon: went around and took some photos.
tues-fri: sch + some mugging.

again, i didnt slp cos i stayed up to study for this morning's paper.

oh and after today's paper, i went to holland village with aretha and amelia before going for our 3.30pm class.
had lunch at sushi tei.
haha and on our way back to to the car, first we saw fann wong. then it struck me that i rem hearing the 933 djs saying that her car plate number is very special. and guess what. we think she parked just beside us. LOL. saw tay peng hui too but his car color... euuu, not nice.

oh and i was thinking of getting either nokia e63 or e71..
but the price for e71 increased before i could decide! so i guess i shall just get the e63..
it's good enough for me this 穷书生

alright bathe and slp. yawns.