=OOOOOOOO does anyone of u still remember colin and kero? XD i saw them, but din see them together lar.
ytd i went to jurong point with my mum, sis and her bf. then haa, i saw kero. well he lives at that area.
today on my way home, i saw colin and his new guy. we were on the same bus. their actions were obvious >.<. not tat i was staring at them lar. the bus wasnt packed lor.
=OOO so i tot it's so qiao. to see them one day after another.
anywayssss....... ytd went to attend peggy's wedding dinner at shangri la hotel, with siwei and thomas. hur they said i wun get to see them in formal attire anytime soon again. eh i wasnt tat formal XD. shirt + tie + cargo pants. so ya.. the dinner wasnt boring, the short clip was rather cute too =DD. food was erm, ok ok. ended quite late, needa take NR home. oh i took a photo with angie, louis and qin lin. shall upload later or erm, another day XD
today ne, meet up with the 2 guys again. met at vivo, took some photos. went to sushi tei. then eh.. went to play pool at erm.. somewhere near paradiz. XD they had to teach me how to play. eh then went to sunshine plaza for the famous wanton noodle as dinner. me and wei then took bus home, and mas took train lor. =OO there was a swedish ship at vivo there.. but hahas, no singaporeans board the ship.
shall upload the photos if i'm not lazy later XD
Friday, December 29, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
eh ben ma asked me to slp early, bu ran ming tian take photos will not be nice nice. but lol, i'm still waiting for my hair to dry XD. note: i think this is gonna be a wordy entry with lousy language. haa
it's gonna be 2007 soon, which means yr 2's gonna finish in abt eh.. 3-4 months. need to choose the specialisation soon ya? but i havent really decided where i wanna go into. -___- i dun even know if i'll be doing IT related stuff when i graduate from poly.
anyways.. i dun really rem wat happen in 2006 lar. HAHA. my memory not goodie, but i seem to rem lyrics goodiely. LOL i still rem the lyrics of those boyband songs i listened to. eh let's talk abt ppl i've been interacting with more often.
eh shall start with jin, ry, aud and jx then. since i'm meeting them tmr LOL
jinyu - well, this is my ben ma. (yl tot ben ma = my real mum cos i've been calling my er jie ben er jie. LOL). got to know her thru yahoo grp hor? first met her when she helped me bought that My Better Half (jingru's book). then eh really go out de meeting was when we attended that lian ai de li liang qch. hur. it was my first time attending a qian chang hui- with strangers somemore. eh.. tat time i was sec 4 hor? (ben ma still remember me holding tat D&T folio -.-). ya i looked real stiff in photos then. u can take a look at the photos at ben ma's blog. LOL. and ya, i look diff. hmmm, then ya ya, after tat qch, wo men also got cont. to attend jing ru events lar. and slowly we joined FD, and slowly, we've become the the more active members in the club. oh, after my Os, me and ben ma almost everyday will go out one >.< . nua at cafes, laugh, chat, i sometimes even go all the way to the airport to nua. LOL. or we would have photo taking sessions around places. thru fd i've got to know more frens la- like siwei, mas, keith,kelvin,edde etc. i rem how keith and jin would compete in who sings "ye ye ye ye" the fastest, oh and yong qi. still rem last time we had conference calls and had those jie lie sai-s. still rem how happy me and ben ma were when jing ru waved to the 2 of us only back then. and wo dang rang wun forget the fun moments with the FD gang. ppl may think we zhui xing de are erm, free/siao? cos most ppl would say "chase for wat, he/she wun even remember u.". eh but i think for jing ru's case is diff (LOL maybe cos her fan base in sg is not very big). she'd appreciate u for appreciating her songs. and ya i dun really find flaws in her songs. her singing has also improved over years of hard work. i dunno if u guys thinks the same as me. it's like erm, when i listen to her songs, i get images of the story from the lyrics la. she just erm, bring out the feel. sometimes when i'm moody, listening to her songs helps. so ya, i hope this FD gang will cheng xia qu. lol from jin yu i say till jing ru XD.
ry- eh got to know her from jinyu. think the first time i met her was at mu chuan? omg i too long never see u liao, feels like i cant say anything. the last time we went out was the time where we went drinking with jin ma? anyways, i'll get to see u tmr =D. impression of ry is hmmm.. argh! ry bu hao yi si, i can only write this short de para for u. =X
audrey- hur. got to know her thru yahoo auctions. since then she would update me with jing ru stuff, dui ma? then eh.. i dun really rem how u kinda came to FD le XD. but hur, i think u have the cheery face that can bring anyone out of the bad mood. and i have also forgotten how xf got to know u le XD. lol i seemed to have forgotten alot of things. and ya i think most ppl will know aud is an animal lover. =OOOO i shall bring dou dou for her to see soon. (i hope)
jx- >.< uh... let's see. i have not communicate with him for very long time le. =X. he's a good k ge partner if u wanna sing duet bah. hahas. i still rem the first time me and ben ma went k ge with him, he sing tat andy lau song, the 2 of us tot he on the audio. shi hen xiang andy lau de loh...
xf, lm- "!!" eh i have not been meeting them regularly liao. and it has been very long since i yue-ed xf to play bball =X. knew lm since sec 1 and we were in the same class till we graduated from unity. got to know xf during sec 3 loh. LOL. she never fails to get affected by my cold jokes XD. and ya, when we get ji pi ge da(from eg. s*n h*'s singing), xf one is very the ming xian! LOLOLOL. still rem last time i go to her house quite often. then we'd play ps2/eat/watch recorded shows/LAUGH OUR HEADS OFF. =OOOOO. havent been seeing her in maple recently tho.
lynn, yl, gz, maryse - my poly cliques. oh recently i'm back to mapling. cos lynn started to maple! hahahah. then we pulled yl back into the game too. and i think maryse's coming back too. GZ, ni ye lai ba! got to know yl, gz and maryse during orientation. think during the 1st or 2nd day of the orientation, on msn, i got to know tat maryse is a liverpool fan. LOL. during orientation i'm like kinda a clique with YL liao. then during first day of sch we got to know lynn in a very weird way. she was watching some hamster porn i think. i din see tho. LOL. then ya.. maryse and gz slowly become a clique with us too. maryse is still the slowest. but! argh! i wun forget she say me slow tat day in the club room. omg, wo bei maryse say i'm slow. i think me and lynn are becoming twins- we do evil things and we often have the same evil tots. LOL. according to yl, she herself has become evil becos of lynn. then gz.. she's scary >.< . she dare to do anything to can. better dun re dao ta. hahahha.
kw, ly, jane- kw and ly were my classmates during sec 1 and 2. i rem i'd fan them when our class' fans were not working. LOL. din really contact them after the O's. oh they claimed that everytime they saw me at lot one then, i would be holding food/eating. LOL. the last time i k ge was with them ba i think. oh i only got to know jane this yr dunno when. eh tat k ge session we found out tat we've some mo qi there. lol can work on it. (but my mo qi is still best with that luo jin yu. LOL. i k ge with her can laugh till peng becos our mo qi ness)
omg it's getting late. 3.30 liao. gotta slp loh~. audrey says tmr late de ren will have to search for other ppl loh. LOL. cannot late. oh rem to eat tang yuans! my hamster was very active just now, running all over the cage and i asked him something rather lame- "doudou! ni yao chi tang yuan ah?". then he fa a bit of dai, and then continue running around. XD
k bah shall stop here. going to slp loh. nite nites.
it's gonna be 2007 soon, which means yr 2's gonna finish in abt eh.. 3-4 months. need to choose the specialisation soon ya? but i havent really decided where i wanna go into. -___- i dun even know if i'll be doing IT related stuff when i graduate from poly.
anyways.. i dun really rem wat happen in 2006 lar. HAHA. my memory not goodie, but i seem to rem lyrics goodiely. LOL i still rem the lyrics of those boyband songs i listened to. eh let's talk abt ppl i've been interacting with more often.
eh shall start with jin, ry, aud and jx then. since i'm meeting them tmr LOL
jinyu - well, this is my ben ma. (yl tot ben ma = my real mum cos i've been calling my er jie ben er jie. LOL). got to know her thru yahoo grp hor? first met her when she helped me bought that My Better Half (jingru's book). then eh really go out de meeting was when we attended that lian ai de li liang qch. hur. it was my first time attending a qian chang hui- with strangers somemore. eh.. tat time i was sec 4 hor? (ben ma still remember me holding tat D&T folio -.-). ya i looked real stiff in photos then. u can take a look at the photos at ben ma's blog. LOL. and ya, i look diff. hmmm, then ya ya, after tat qch, wo men also got cont. to attend jing ru events lar. and slowly we joined FD, and slowly, we've become the the more active members in the club. oh, after my Os, me and ben ma almost everyday will go out one >.< . nua at cafes, laugh, chat, i sometimes even go all the way to the airport to nua. LOL. or we would have photo taking sessions around places. thru fd i've got to know more frens la- like siwei, mas, keith,kelvin,edde etc. i rem how keith and jin would compete in who sings "ye ye ye ye" the fastest, oh and yong qi. still rem last time we had conference calls and had those jie lie sai-s. still rem how happy me and ben ma were when jing ru waved to the 2 of us only back then. and wo dang rang wun forget the fun moments with the FD gang. ppl may think we zhui xing de are erm, free/siao? cos most ppl would say "chase for wat, he/she wun even remember u.". eh but i think for jing ru's case is diff (LOL maybe cos her fan base in sg is not very big). she'd appreciate u for appreciating her songs. and ya i dun really find flaws in her songs. her singing has also improved over years of hard work. i dunno if u guys thinks the same as me. it's like erm, when i listen to her songs, i get images of the story from the lyrics la. she just erm, bring out the feel. sometimes when i'm moody, listening to her songs helps. so ya, i hope this FD gang will cheng xia qu. lol from jin yu i say till jing ru XD.
ry- eh got to know her from jinyu. think the first time i met her was at mu chuan? omg i too long never see u liao, feels like i cant say anything. the last time we went out was the time where we went drinking with jin ma? anyways, i'll get to see u tmr =D. impression of ry is hmmm.. argh! ry bu hao yi si, i can only write this short de para for u. =X
audrey- hur. got to know her thru yahoo auctions. since then she would update me with jing ru stuff, dui ma? then eh.. i dun really rem how u kinda came to FD le XD. but hur, i think u have the cheery face that can bring anyone out of the bad mood. and i have also forgotten how xf got to know u le XD. lol i seemed to have forgotten alot of things. and ya i think most ppl will know aud is an animal lover. =OOOO i shall bring dou dou for her to see soon. (i hope)
jx- >.< uh... let's see. i have not communicate with him for very long time le. =X. he's a good k ge partner if u wanna sing duet bah. hahas. i still rem the first time me and ben ma went k ge with him, he sing tat andy lau song, the 2 of us tot he on the audio. shi hen xiang andy lau de loh...
xf, lm- "!!" eh i have not been meeting them regularly liao. and it has been very long since i yue-ed xf to play bball =X. knew lm since sec 1 and we were in the same class till we graduated from unity. got to know xf during sec 3 loh. LOL. she never fails to get affected by my cold jokes XD. and ya, when we get ji pi ge da(from eg. s*n h*'s singing), xf one is very the ming xian! LOLOLOL. still rem last time i go to her house quite often. then we'd play ps2/eat/watch recorded shows/LAUGH OUR HEADS OFF. =OOOOO. havent been seeing her in maple recently tho.
lynn, yl, gz, maryse - my poly cliques. oh recently i'm back to mapling. cos lynn started to maple! hahahah. then we pulled yl back into the game too. and i think maryse's coming back too. GZ, ni ye lai ba! got to know yl, gz and maryse during orientation. think during the 1st or 2nd day of the orientation, on msn, i got to know tat maryse is a liverpool fan. LOL. during orientation i'm like kinda a clique with YL liao. then during first day of sch we got to know lynn in a very weird way. she was watching some hamster porn i think. i din see tho. LOL. then ya.. maryse and gz slowly become a clique with us too. maryse is still the slowest. but! argh! i wun forget she say me slow tat day in the club room. omg, wo bei maryse say i'm slow. i think me and lynn are becoming twins- we do evil things and we often have the same evil tots. LOL. according to yl, she herself has become evil becos of lynn. then gz.. she's scary >.< . she dare to do anything to can. better dun re dao ta. hahahha.
kw, ly, jane- kw and ly were my classmates during sec 1 and 2. i rem i'd fan them when our class' fans were not working. LOL. din really contact them after the O's. oh they claimed that everytime they saw me at lot one then, i would be holding food/eating. LOL. the last time i k ge was with them ba i think. oh i only got to know jane this yr dunno when. eh tat k ge session we found out tat we've some mo qi there. lol can work on it. (but my mo qi is still best with that luo jin yu. LOL. i k ge with her can laugh till peng becos our mo qi ness)
omg it's getting late. 3.30 liao. gotta slp loh~. audrey says tmr late de ren will have to search for other ppl loh. LOL. cannot late. oh rem to eat tang yuans! my hamster was very active just now, running all over the cage and i asked him something rather lame- "doudou! ni yao chi tang yuan ah?". then he fa a bit of dai, and then continue running around. XD
k bah shall stop here. going to slp loh. nite nites.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
tat's why i'd have conversations like this:
xiao ying says:
lol tell him he ba gong, u'll hire another one
xiao ying says:
maybe his tail not plugged in properly
xiao ying says:
[Melting Lemon™] - 继续想你 Weeeeee ~ [ 在那段文字背后的你,到底是谁? ] says:
i think his tail is wagging only la...bu ke neng nv plug hao
[Melting Lemon™] - 继续想你 Weeeeee ~ [ 在那段文字背后的你,到底是谁? ] says:
if really nv plug hao jiu cannot use lo
[Melting Lemon™] - 继续想你 Weeeeee ~ [ 在那段文字背后的你,到底是谁? ] says:
think his tail itchy
xiao ying says:
xiao ying says:
help him scratch
xiao ying says:
he no limbs
xiao ying says:
only got a tail
xiao ying says:
like tadpole
know wat were we talking abt? it's... jinyu's keyboard. LOL. tat's why she will say this after wat i said:
[Melting Lemon™] - 继续想你 Weeeeee ~ [ 在那段文字背后的你,到底是谁? ] says:
[Melting Lemon™] - 继续想你 Weeeeee ~ [ 在那段文字背后的你,到底是谁? ] says:
ni er xin lar
[Melting Lemon™] - 继续想你 Weeeeee ~ [ 在那段文字背后的你,到底是谁? ] says:
really is chou er xin
eh wat me er xin. ben ma, u also got continue loh. heh
tat's why i'd have conversations like this:
xiao ying says:
lol tell him he ba gong, u'll hire another one
xiao ying says:
maybe his tail not plugged in properly
xiao ying says:
[Melting Lemon™] - 继续想你 Weeeeee ~ [ 在那段文字背后的你,到底是谁? ] says:
i think his tail is wagging only la...bu ke neng nv plug hao
[Melting Lemon™] - 继续想你 Weeeeee ~ [ 在那段文字背后的你,到底是谁? ] says:
if really nv plug hao jiu cannot use lo
[Melting Lemon™] - 继续想你 Weeeeee ~ [ 在那段文字背后的你,到底是谁? ] says:
think his tail itchy
xiao ying says:
xiao ying says:
help him scratch
xiao ying says:
he no limbs
xiao ying says:
only got a tail
xiao ying says:
like tadpole
know wat were we talking abt? it's... jinyu's keyboard. LOL. tat's why she will say this after wat i said:
[Melting Lemon™] - 继续想你 Weeeeee ~ [ 在那段文字背后的你,到底是谁? ] says:
[Melting Lemon™] - 继续想你 Weeeeee ~ [ 在那段文字背后的你,到底是谁? ] says:
ni er xin lar
[Melting Lemon™] - 继续想你 Weeeeee ~ [ 在那段文字背后的你,到底是谁? ] says:
really is chou er xin
eh wat me er xin. ben ma, u also got continue loh. heh
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
bahs~~ last weekend, there were jing ru events. i attended one only tho. the cenosis one. lazy upload those photos (anyways i dun have many now).
today went to vivocity =DDD. quite a nice place. was there with kw, ly and wt. here are some photos =)


-we had late lunch at food republic. i was damn full can. after eating i wanna s**t. hahahaha






nice views from vivo. er the sun was very ci yan also tho. hahahas. yea so tat's abt it. walked around the place but bought nth.
ben ma wanna go there too. so maybe i'm going there soon again. hurhur
today went to vivocity =DDD. quite a nice place. was there with kw, ly and wt. here are some photos =)


-we had late lunch at food republic. i was damn full can. after eating i wanna s**t. hahahaha






nice views from vivo. er the sun was very ci yan also tho. hahahas. yea so tat's abt it. walked around the place but bought nth.
ben ma wanna go there too. so maybe i'm going there soon again. hurhur
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
a short part of the convo i had with maryse the lamb:
xiao ying says:
tmr's test i die
xiao ying says:
Let It Bleed says:
LOL eh i haven study too!
Let It Bleed says:
the valerie one is it open bk/?
xiao ying says:
eh.. dun think it's open
xiao ying says:
xiao ying says:
xiao ying says:
so dead
Let It Bleed says:
Let It Bleed says:
Let It Bleed says:
Let It Bleed says:
Let It Bleed says:
xiao ying says:
xiao ying says:
lamb go study!!!
Let It Bleed says:
!!! -.-
Let It Bleed says:
xiao ying says:
i may be evil =)
xiao ying says:
but not as evil as lynn
xiao ying says:
xiao ying says:
*msn's angel icon*
Let It Bleed says:
yeah lynn ultimate evillest monkey
Let It Bleed says:
xiao ying says:
yeaps. jiu zhe yang. i go nua abit first before i flip flip notes. maybe not studying afterall XD. byEe
xiao ying says:
tmr's test i die
xiao ying says:
Let It Bleed says:
LOL eh i haven study too!
Let It Bleed says:
the valerie one is it open bk/?
xiao ying says:
eh.. dun think it's open
xiao ying says:
xiao ying says:
xiao ying says:
so dead
Let It Bleed says:
Let It Bleed says:
Let It Bleed says:
Let It Bleed says:
Let It Bleed says:
xiao ying says:
xiao ying says:
lamb go study!!!
Let It Bleed says:
!!! -.-
Let It Bleed says:
xiao ying says:
i may be evil =)
xiao ying says:
but not as evil as lynn
xiao ying says:
xiao ying says:
*msn's angel icon*
Let It Bleed says:
yeah lynn ultimate evillest monkey
Let It Bleed says:
xiao ying says:
yeaps. jiu zhe yang. i go nua abit first before i flip flip notes. maybe not studying afterall XD. byEe
Sunday, November 19, 2006
happy feet =D
hur. the movie's gonna show soon in cinemas. think i downloaded the trailer and teasers during march. lol. just now when i went to buy supper with my bro during half time ( SHU vs MANU ), i saw the penguins at the bus stop. so i decided to take a photo of it when we were on our way home.

in case u didnt notice like my ben er jie, my foot is in that pic too! hahas. happy feet. so i stuck one of mine in there XD
shall put up a recent photo of my hammie too bah..

-dou dou having his rice on the sofa
eh i got a pic of him having hamster treat but it's quite blur =|
channel 8 and 5 are showing classic movies today man. lol. chan 8 just showed du xia 2 and that qian nv you hun 3. now chan 5 still showing predator 2 and me and my bro are still watching. hur. anyways.. I'm SUFFOCATING. the chicken farm's smell piao over here again. stinks like hell. tat ben nv ren still can sleep with the window opened -______________- . i had to close it. k shall stop here. byEee

in case u didnt notice like my ben er jie, my foot is in that pic too! hahas. happy feet. so i stuck one of mine in there XD
shall put up a recent photo of my hammie too bah..

-dou dou having his rice on the sofa
eh i got a pic of him having hamster treat but it's quite blur =|
channel 8 and 5 are showing classic movies today man. lol. chan 8 just showed du xia 2 and that qian nv you hun 3. now chan 5 still showing predator 2 and me and my bro are still watching. hur. anyways.. I'm SUFFOCATING. the chicken farm's smell piao over here again. stinks like hell. tat ben nv ren still can sleep with the window opened -______________- . i had to close it. k shall stop here. byEee
Monday, November 06, 2006
i just got to know that there's a 40 qns tutorial that needs to be handed up tmr. and there's another tutorial, i din know need to hand up. oh, i din know the lab test is tmr too.
can really die.
it's 1.38am now. i going to slp le XD. i realised something. everytime ah, like when i last min then get to know that i got a lot of thigns to do, i'll pancick and stress for like abt 1hr+, with nth done. then, i'll will not continue to do them. i will go to sch empty handed and sees wat happen.
chou xiao ying.
can really die.
it's 1.38am now. i going to slp le XD. i realised something. everytime ah, like when i last min then get to know that i got a lot of thigns to do, i'll pancick and stress for like abt 1hr+, with nth done. then, i'll will not continue to do them. i will go to sch empty handed and sees wat happen.
chou xiao ying.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
uh. i intended to type a long entry just now. but now.. i'm tired. so i just chop chop finish =p
edde, ski, mas, keith and me went to the airport to jie jing ru. plane landed at abt 1158. uh jing ru commented something abt me XD. anyways. after tat, we met up with jin at TM to have Phin's for lunchie. then then, we went to the arcade. lol. after some nua-ing, wo men jiu san hui le.
GCMA day. uh i was late for meeting jin they all so i got on edde's cab at kallang. ski, mas, jin, xf, edde and me were there by 2pm+. uh there was already a lot fc ppl, so we chose the space somewhere at the uh... 2nd floor? hai hao jing ru still saw us at the xing guang da dao. we were LOUD. hur. waited quite long before jing ru finally got on stage for the prize/performance. edde, jin and me were quite "depressed" by the "cheena concert". almost beng kui liddat. anyways, ya, me and jin were like keep "observing" jing ru. LOL. cant blame us wat. we dunno/not really interested in those china singers. all of us have "???" above our heads when the hosts/award presenter said their names. haha. jing ru sang si lu+ qin qin. *wonders if xf was shocked by our loudness.
anyways, me and jin were supposed to stay over at ry;s house after that. but she was sick and since xf's dad can fetch me home, we went home lor.
gotten abt 3 hrs slp and then made my way to the airport. jing ru arrived at 9am+ and well, this time there were 2 security kinda escorting her. haaz. eh one of them still tries to act xiong by keep staring at us, but lol, we laughed at him. anyways... managed to pass to jing ru our letters and requested her to gu li keith for his chinese paper. uh hope he did well (i forgot to sms him haa). after this ne, carol joined us for breakfast since she 's still got some time before she needs to fetch ah xin of Mayday to the airport. hurhurhur. she said we have little ppl but we are very loud. that's goodie.. but i still hope there will be more ppl in the future to help out in the club and lend us their voice during those cheering and stuff. uh after breakfast, we did something at the airport.. lol.
** i lazy upload photos **
happy halloween~. went to pizza hut @ ang mo kio during our lunch break. aiya.. i lazy type le XD. *coughs* well i still havent seen anyone breaking my bro's record of eating 2 regular pizza on his/her own. 8 of us took cabbie there and back to sch. was still late for valerie's lab session. hahas. and she said we need make up lessons -.-. four to sixpm was networking. quite sianz.. aiya sian. i wanna pack and slp le. AND.. i think in this whole entry, i'm using weird language. maybe cos i din blog for sometime? eh i just feel weird.
buh byEe and nites.
-oh and lynn definitely looks like an ah boy (a)
edde, ski, mas, keith and me went to the airport to jie jing ru. plane landed at abt 1158. uh jing ru commented something abt me XD. anyways. after tat, we met up with jin at TM to have Phin's for lunchie. then then, we went to the arcade. lol. after some nua-ing, wo men jiu san hui le.
GCMA day. uh i was late for meeting jin they all so i got on edde's cab at kallang. ski, mas, jin, xf, edde and me were there by 2pm+. uh there was already a lot fc ppl, so we chose the space somewhere at the uh... 2nd floor? hai hao jing ru still saw us at the xing guang da dao. we were LOUD. hur. waited quite long before jing ru finally got on stage for the prize/performance. edde, jin and me were quite "depressed" by the "cheena concert". almost beng kui liddat. anyways, ya, me and jin were like keep "observing" jing ru. LOL. cant blame us wat. we dunno/not really interested in those china singers. all of us have "???" above our heads when the hosts/award presenter said their names. haha. jing ru sang si lu+ qin qin. *wonders if xf was shocked by our loudness.
anyways, me and jin were supposed to stay over at ry;s house after that. but she was sick and since xf's dad can fetch me home, we went home lor.
gotten abt 3 hrs slp and then made my way to the airport. jing ru arrived at 9am+ and well, this time there were 2 security kinda escorting her. haaz. eh one of them still tries to act xiong by keep staring at us, but lol, we laughed at him. anyways... managed to pass to jing ru our letters and requested her to gu li keith for his chinese paper. uh hope he did well (i forgot to sms him haa). after this ne, carol joined us for breakfast since she 's still got some time before she needs to fetch ah xin of Mayday to the airport. hurhurhur. she said we have little ppl but we are very loud. that's goodie.. but i still hope there will be more ppl in the future to help out in the club and lend us their voice during those cheering and stuff. uh after breakfast, we did something at the airport.. lol.
** i lazy upload photos **
happy halloween~. went to pizza hut @ ang mo kio during our lunch break. aiya.. i lazy type le XD. *coughs* well i still havent seen anyone breaking my bro's record of eating 2 regular pizza on his/her own. 8 of us took cabbie there and back to sch. was still late for valerie's lab session. hahas. and she said we need make up lessons -.-. four to sixpm was networking. quite sianz.. aiya sian. i wanna pack and slp le. AND.. i think in this whole entry, i'm using weird language. maybe cos i din blog for sometime? eh i just feel weird.
buh byEe and nites.
-oh and lynn definitely looks like an ah boy (a)
Thursday, October 19, 2006
i havent been blogging, cos those days were too hazy XD. nah, there's nth got to do with haze. but laze.
switched to cbox. feel free to flood.
anyways... sch has started. quite a lousy timetable cos quite packed everyday. hmmm... i only pay more attention on monday. started to slack on tues le =X. bu xing bu xing~ we must finish tat network project by wk 8 okay?! hahahas.
speaking of wk 8. wk 9 will be like... common test week already -.-. so fast... i'm gonna be dead. oh this suddenly came to my mind - maryse told valerie tat she's become pretty. LOOOL. i was beside maryse so i couldnt control it and i my um chio-ing failed. eh true lar. tat valerie like quite nice already. i not so tao yan ta le. (but me and lynn went out of the lab for a short break ourselves. haa) let's hope she stays like this or become better for the rest of the sem.
bahs~ i gtg already. btw, i hate programming. there's no way i gonna like it. byEe
switched to cbox. feel free to flood.
anyways... sch has started. quite a lousy timetable cos quite packed everyday. hmmm... i only pay more attention on monday. started to slack on tues le =X. bu xing bu xing~ we must finish tat network project by wk 8 okay?! hahahas.
speaking of wk 8. wk 9 will be like... common test week already -.-. so fast... i'm gonna be dead. oh this suddenly came to my mind - maryse told valerie tat she's become pretty. LOOOL. i was beside maryse so i couldnt control it and i my um chio-ing failed. eh true lar. tat valerie like quite nice already. i not so tao yan ta le. (but me and lynn went out of the lab for a short break ourselves. haa) let's hope she stays like this or become better for the rest of the sem.
bahs~ i gtg already. btw, i hate programming. there's no way i gonna like it. byEe
Monday, October 09, 2006
bahs~ i'm still alive tho this blog looks dead.
ytd had dinner with limin and xiaofan. we havent seen each other for a loong loooong time. ytd was fun, tho i spent whole day at lot one with diff ppl. i had klunch with ly,jane and kw. then went home and come out again. LOL. we had pizza hut for dinner =)

hmmm. wat we ordered wasn't enough to fill us up eh. one regular pizza, 2 soups, 2 drinks and 8pc drumlets. (think i can eat more than usual when i eat with them.HAHA)
after that , the 3 of us, sok quan and peiling went to the arcade. lol. 5 of us played datona. i could have finished first place! chou xiaofan bang into my car. in the end i 3rd place. and our placings very shun. haha. from left to right = 1st - 5th.
then... we spent A LOT of time at the neoprint machine. cos no one else was using the machine so we have all the time to edit the photos. hmmm.. me and xf laughed till we had tears in our eyes.. haha. because of how they edit them. hmmm.. after taking neoprints, we all jiu go home le bah. me and xf walked a bit in the pasar malam for awhile tho. reached home at 10+.
tmr going out with lynn and gz, cos yl got meeting (hur i havent informed that 2 cmi club members.) will bring cammie out.. will see if have any nice photos to post then. nitenites~
ytd had dinner with limin and xiaofan. we havent seen each other for a loong loooong time. ytd was fun, tho i spent whole day at lot one with diff ppl. i had klunch with ly,jane and kw. then went home and come out again. LOL. we had pizza hut for dinner =)

hmmm. wat we ordered wasn't enough to fill us up eh. one regular pizza, 2 soups, 2 drinks and 8pc drumlets. (think i can eat more than usual when i eat with them.HAHA)
after that , the 3 of us, sok quan and peiling went to the arcade. lol. 5 of us played datona. i could have finished first place! chou xiaofan bang into my car. in the end i 3rd place. and our placings very shun. haha. from left to right = 1st - 5th.
then... we spent A LOT of time at the neoprint machine. cos no one else was using the machine so we have all the time to edit the photos. hmmm.. me and xf laughed till we had tears in our eyes.. haha. because of how they edit them. hmmm.. after taking neoprints, we all jiu go home le bah. me and xf walked a bit in the pasar malam for awhile tho. reached home at 10+.
tmr going out with lynn and gz, cos yl got meeting (hur i havent informed that 2 cmi club members.) will bring cammie out.. will see if have any nice photos to post then. nitenites~
Friday, September 15, 2006
k i was reading at my blog and i saw the lyrics mistakes in jie shou. dui bu qi! cos i simply copied and pasted. u want me to write out i know de loh.. hahaha.
and i also saw aud, mas and siwei's tags. LOL. very surprising ah? hahaha. my fren's mum worked there part time before la, and now she currently working at the company--> alb is their client. so i got in there thru her bah. near my house.. go there less than 15 mins. goodie. hurhur. oh and siwei, those stocks i see are always in BOXES or they are bulky. how i kop? stress balls want? hahah
hmmm.. been working = staying in office for long hours. i've become fair-er, but not pale cos still can see there's blood. eeee. a sheet of paper. kua tio gui.
oh oh oh. SE k800i, wait for me! i gonna get u when i get my pay. =D
i dun have much left to say. haaz. actually got some funny stuff i wanted to blog abt, but wo wang ji le. LOL.
*fyi, u will seldom see me online during sun-thurs le.
buh byEe!
and i also saw aud, mas and siwei's tags. LOL. very surprising ah? hahaha. my fren's mum worked there part time before la, and now she currently working at the company--> alb is their client. so i got in there thru her bah. near my house.. go there less than 15 mins. goodie. hurhur. oh and siwei, those stocks i see are always in BOXES or they are bulky. how i kop? stress balls want? hahah
hmmm.. been working = staying in office for long hours. i've become fair-er, but not pale cos still can see there's blood. eeee. a sheet of paper. kua tio gui.
oh oh oh. SE k800i, wait for me! i gonna get u when i get my pay. =D
i dun have much left to say. haaz. actually got some funny stuff i wanted to blog abt, but wo wang ji le. LOL.
*fyi, u will seldom see me online during sun-thurs le.
buh byEe!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
finally, i'm working. working at army logistic base.. it's... sian for me. but the place's near my house. so cheng xia qu bah...
oh recently i kept listening to 靜茹's 接受 and 瑋琪's 讓我們自由. no other meanings, i just like them. hmmm i din listen much to fanweiqi's new album. listened to her previous album more. got nth much to do now.. shall paste the lyrics here then. haa.
then basically it's repeating of the top parts..
yea.. then repeat some parts again. i'm going off le.. buh byEe
oh recently i kept listening to 靜茹's 接受 and 瑋琪's 讓我們自由. no other meanings, i just like them. hmmm i din listen much to fanweiqi's new album. listened to her previous album more. got nth much to do now.. shall paste the lyrics here then. haa.
then basically it's repeating of the top parts..
yea.. then repeat some parts again. i'm going off le.. buh byEe
Sunday, September 03, 2006
went to century squre and had a small private gathering with ling zhi. met jin on the bus. hur. then after that went to GV to look for cowie. LOL. we loitered around the area. hahas. hmmm. we bought the nachos combo, but we din watch movie cos weekends watch quite ex. sian. so we went to the open plaza and started chatting. HAHAHA. i think today me and ben ma talked quite a lot. dunno wat did we really spit out. mostly are those past year events bah. hahaha. oh ben ma, when u alighted from the bus, i felt that the bus was very quiet. LOL. okay so the 2 of us were quite noisy since we got up. HAHAHA.
was watching tv and talking with my siblings and mum at the same time. then got that huang fei hong and tie ji. when i saw huang fei hong holding that tie ji "helmet", Cow & Chicken came to my mind. followed by ben and jerry's ice cream, and then banyard. then my er jie asked me wat's that. my bro answered her "cartoon". then i say no no, is animation. then my ben er jie jiu ask us wat's the difference between cartoon and anime. my bro's and my ans were...
"cartoon characters only have 4 fingers on each of their hands. anime characters have 5 fingers. "
agree right? hur

- bart simpson. 4 fingers!

- characters of shakugan no shana. 5 fingers!
anyways.. now that the cable tv in my house has those kids channels ( cartoon network, nickalodeon and disney channel), we've been watching erm, quite a lot of cartoons. then, i tot powerpuff girls are not suitable for kids. lol. cos ytd i saw them beat up MOJO JOJO. *take note: u have to say "MOJO JOJO" in MOJO JOJO's way XD* why did they beat up MOJO JOJO? cos he took possession of their candies -.-. they got very angry and beat him up, real badly. LOL. and today, i saw Bubbles pulled off a teddy bear's head from its body. took place in her classroom. cos she was unhappy. HAHA. see, powerpuff girls are not suitable for kids XD
oh and recently i've started to watch a bit of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. i like the character mandy. lol. she always have that face on her (my msn dp). uh the show's main characters are billy, mandy and evil (the reaper). hope i'm not wrong. haaz. my elder bro says evil's the stupiest reaper in the world. well. hur, ya.

- the "powergrims"

- the grim adventurers
oh oh. i do watch spongebob squarepants too. LOL. ya it's a stupid show, but i like it. HUR.
i'm so bored that i blog abt cartoons. sian. i want data entry/admin work~~~ i want to earn some cash to buy phone~~~
was watching tv and talking with my siblings and mum at the same time. then got that huang fei hong and tie ji. when i saw huang fei hong holding that tie ji "helmet", Cow & Chicken came to my mind. followed by ben and jerry's ice cream, and then banyard. then my er jie asked me wat's that. my bro answered her "cartoon". then i say no no, is animation. then my ben er jie jiu ask us wat's the difference between cartoon and anime. my bro's and my ans were...
"cartoon characters only have 4 fingers on each of their hands. anime characters have 5 fingers. "
agree right? hur

- bart simpson. 4 fingers!

- characters of shakugan no shana. 5 fingers!
anyways.. now that the cable tv in my house has those kids channels ( cartoon network, nickalodeon and disney channel), we've been watching erm, quite a lot of cartoons. then, i tot powerpuff girls are not suitable for kids. lol. cos ytd i saw them beat up MOJO JOJO. *take note: u have to say "MOJO JOJO" in MOJO JOJO's way XD* why did they beat up MOJO JOJO? cos he took possession of their candies -.-. they got very angry and beat him up, real badly. LOL. and today, i saw Bubbles pulled off a teddy bear's head from its body. took place in her classroom. cos she was unhappy. HAHA. see, powerpuff girls are not suitable for kids XD
oh and recently i've started to watch a bit of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. i like the character mandy. lol. she always have that face on her (my msn dp). uh the show's main characters are billy, mandy and evil (the reaper). hope i'm not wrong. haaz. my elder bro says evil's the stupiest reaper in the world. well. hur, ya.

- the "powergrims"

- the grim adventurers
oh oh. i do watch spongebob squarepants too. LOL. ya it's a stupid show, but i like it. HUR.
i'm so bored that i blog abt cartoons. sian. i want data entry/admin work~~~ i want to earn some cash to buy phone~~~
Thursday, August 31, 2006
hur. tues paper ah, was the only in the semester that i did so happily. when we entered the exam hall, we can check the question paper mahs.. i flipped it open, and started grinning. LOL. lynn heard and said i'm crazy.
we have to do 4 out of 5 questions.. i did 1,2,3 and 5. guess most ppl did these cos qn 4 was on DNS. yay! i finished the paper in abt 25 mins. goodie goodie =D. all of us finished the paper fast lar. goodie. uh but i'm worried abt other papers cos i din really study for them -_-'''
anyways.. now i'm waiting for job vacancy.. sianzz. oh and this morning i downloaded Wolfenstein 3D. hahas! classic game.. was released in 1992 i think. i rem i kept playing this game when i was little ( using DOS) hahas! later gonna share with my kor. now i'm going to eat loh. buh byEe~
we have to do 4 out of 5 questions.. i did 1,2,3 and 5. guess most ppl did these cos qn 4 was on DNS. yay! i finished the paper in abt 25 mins. goodie goodie =D. all of us finished the paper fast lar. goodie. uh but i'm worried abt other papers cos i din really study for them -_-'''
anyways.. now i'm waiting for job vacancy.. sianzz. oh and this morning i downloaded Wolfenstein 3D. hahas! classic game.. was released in 1992 i think. i rem i kept playing this game when i was little ( using DOS) hahas! later gonna share with my kor. now i'm going to eat loh. buh byEe~
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
i'm dead. 44 qns, i can only rem 26 of them. nth's going in now, seriously. and i need to leave the house at six thirty, so i better dun go to bed.. hahas.
anyways, after the abt 9.30am, i'm free! holidays! yay~! ya. paper starts at 8.30, think i'll come out at 9.30 lor.
cannot cannot. i must at least rem 35 of them. better go continue le. buh byEe
anyways, after the abt 9.30am, i'm free! holidays! yay~! ya. paper starts at 8.30, think i'll come out at 9.30 lor.
cannot cannot. i must at least rem 35 of them. better go continue le. buh byEe
Thursday, August 17, 2006
tests over. now exam period. siannzz.
anyways, just a quick update of wat i did last weekend.
11 aug:
eh had 2 papers on this day. instead of putting me 用功的照片 on her blog, lynn put me reading newspaper de photo. so i gonna put one photo of me 努力-ing here. hahas! yea gz and yl hardworking also.. i dun have lynn hardworking de photo. SEE.


uh think i really did badly for the 2 papers.. eh anyways, after that i went to see fireworks again at esplanade area with kw,ly, jane, jasline and her classmates. yj and wt supposed to join us too, but the 人潮 is 多到噁心。 so the 2 of them cant squeeze to the place where we were at.

hur it was nice. i have a clip of the final few mintues of it. nice nice~
then they were so hungry cos we havent eaten our dinner... so we went to have carl's junior =D

sat outside marina sq to eat. see how hungry they were...


-our crisscut fries and beef chilli cheese fries (omg england is already 3-0 up when i;m typing this. 35 mins nia)
i think i like the beef chilli cheese fries. tho it looks kinda er xin, i've only had carl's jr twice and both times i eat it. hahas. oh dui le.. we had leftovers. so all of us started to play 終極密碼 (dunno i wrote correctly mahs). the one who shouted the number, jiu have to finish up the stake someone had placed. played a few rounds. so we didn't waste any food (a)
12 aug:

planned to watch fireworks too. BUT... the 人潮 is more 噁心 than friday one. really 噁心 -.-. so walked around marina sq and went home. traffic jam -.- ... 噁心
i go watch the england match loh~ buh byEe
anyways, just a quick update of wat i did last weekend.
11 aug:
eh had 2 papers on this day. instead of putting me 用功的照片 on her blog, lynn put me reading newspaper de photo. so i gonna put one photo of me 努力-ing here. hahas! yea gz and yl hardworking also.. i dun have lynn hardworking de photo. SEE.


uh think i really did badly for the 2 papers.. eh anyways, after that i went to see fireworks again at esplanade area with kw,ly, jane, jasline and her classmates. yj and wt supposed to join us too, but the 人潮 is 多到噁心。 so the 2 of them cant squeeze to the place where we were at.

hur it was nice. i have a clip of the final few mintues of it. nice nice~
then they were so hungry cos we havent eaten our dinner... so we went to have carl's junior =D

sat outside marina sq to eat. see how hungry they were...


-our crisscut fries and beef chilli cheese fries (omg england is already 3-0 up when i;m typing this. 35 mins nia)
i think i like the beef chilli cheese fries. tho it looks kinda er xin, i've only had carl's jr twice and both times i eat it. hahas. oh dui le.. we had leftovers. so all of us started to play 終極密碼 (dunno i wrote correctly mahs). the one who shouted the number, jiu have to finish up the stake someone had placed. played a few rounds. so we didn't waste any food (a)
12 aug:

planned to watch fireworks too. BUT... the 人潮 is more 噁心 than friday one. really 噁心 -.-. so walked around marina sq and went home. traffic jam -.- ... 噁心
i go watch the england match loh~ buh byEe
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
i ate a lot today -.-.

met up with ly,kw and jane for lunch at lot one's pizza hut =D

-our drinks and cream of chicken soups

-eh they're called cheesy bites huh? topping's bbq chicken.

hut's platter =D
after our stomachs are filled, we went to take photos of cows. me and kw saw them last nite but was too dark to take photos of them. hahas



eh we did take pictures with the cows lar.. but i shan't post too many cows here.

grp photo. my hand's long enough to make the 4 of us appear in the photo =D
enough photo taking zhi hou, jane and kw took bus to bukit timah area, ly went home, i went to meet yl they all. eh ly, i did bring ur cdr but forgot to give u -.-
hmm.. i was early lar. then yl and zaty reached le, we proceeded to JE center. jeremy was late.. eh he's like got you yu zhen one.. esp if u see him skate. anyways... when the 3 of us reached JE center, we saw something which looks very wrong.



the place was really crowded.. the crowd only start to fade off at around 5+. hurhurhur... i didn;t fall! but i dun dare skate fast fast too. eh someone was really wet after the ice skating. looked like she had taken a shower loh.. keke =X.

-left = my skates. right = yl's

- "snow"

-i tied the shoes real tight. the skate size were "printed" on my shin -.-
after skating we went to eat dinner at kfc.


-the moon looked nice, but my cammie not goodie lar
then eh.. that yl dun let me go home, so i went to see fireworks with them. (my train came loh.. yl din let me go till the doors closed.) alighted at marina bay, but we walked till raffles there. lol. clear view of fireworks! eh zaty and yl has nicer photos of those. so i just put up some night scene photos i took.




k i know they look sama XD
then eh.. we walked to lao ba sha to have satays. yays~




-from left: zaty, YL, me
after everything, i went home alone -.-. cos they live at east side. sianzz. bahs~~~
wahas. the bathroom's available now. i shall go bathe loh. buh byEe~

met up with ly,kw and jane for lunch at lot one's pizza hut =D

-our drinks and cream of chicken soups

-eh they're called cheesy bites huh? topping's bbq chicken.

hut's platter =D
after our stomachs are filled, we went to take photos of cows. me and kw saw them last nite but was too dark to take photos of them. hahas



eh we did take pictures with the cows lar.. but i shan't post too many cows here.

grp photo. my hand's long enough to make the 4 of us appear in the photo =D
enough photo taking zhi hou, jane and kw took bus to bukit timah area, ly went home, i went to meet yl they all. eh ly, i did bring ur cdr but forgot to give u -.-
hmm.. i was early lar. then yl and zaty reached le, we proceeded to JE center. jeremy was late.. eh he's like got you yu zhen one.. esp if u see him skate. anyways... when the 3 of us reached JE center, we saw something which looks very wrong.



the place was really crowded.. the crowd only start to fade off at around 5+. hurhurhur... i didn;t fall! but i dun dare skate fast fast too. eh someone was really wet after the ice skating. looked like she had taken a shower loh.. keke =X.

-left = my skates. right = yl's

- "snow"

-i tied the shoes real tight. the skate size were "printed" on my shin -.-
after skating we went to eat dinner at kfc.


-the moon looked nice, but my cammie not goodie lar
then eh.. that yl dun let me go home, so i went to see fireworks with them. (my train came loh.. yl din let me go till the doors closed.) alighted at marina bay, but we walked till raffles there. lol. clear view of fireworks! eh zaty and yl has nicer photos of those. so i just put up some night scene photos i took.




k i know they look sama XD
then eh.. we walked to lao ba sha to have satays. yays~




-from left: zaty, YL, me
after everything, i went home alone -.-. cos they live at east side. sianzz. bahs~~~
wahas. the bathroom's available now. i shall go bathe loh. buh byEe~
Saturday, August 05, 2006
BIT ME =.=
cannot blame it also lar.. cos 我嚇倒它. hahas.
pain pain~~ i "MMM...!!!!" cos i can't "ARGH!!!!!!!", since everyone else in my family is sleeping. great, now i can't click or type with that finger. while i was "MMMM...!!!"-ing, the blood gushed out and can drip to the floor can -.- . haiz
anyways, ytd went to kbox with YL, GZ and lynn. was to celebrate that tests/exams are coming. LOL. actually it's because no more projects/presentations lar. yea.. the amk branch always so cold one.
okay, it's irritating to see my hands typing/clicking, but one finger sticking out. i shall stop here and go to bed. LOL. buh byEe
BIT ME =.=
cannot blame it also lar.. cos 我嚇倒它. hahas.
pain pain~~ i "MMM...!!!!" cos i can't "ARGH!!!!!!!", since everyone else in my family is sleeping. great, now i can't click or type with that finger. while i was "MMMM...!!!"-ing, the blood gushed out and can drip to the floor can -.- . haiz
anyways, ytd went to kbox with YL, GZ and lynn. was to celebrate that tests/exams are coming. LOL. actually it's because no more projects/presentations lar. yea.. the amk branch always so cold one.
okay, it's irritating to see my hands typing/clicking, but one finger sticking out. i shall stop here and go to bed. LOL. buh byEe
Saturday, July 29, 2006
i fell aslp on the sofa cos i was too tired last nite. came home near 11pm after watching movie and playing at ly's house with kw. then 5am+, my da jie jiu wake me up le.. cos we're going to the walkathon. well, her boss asked the staff to go, then my da jie pull me along cos her BF gotta work today -.-
starting point: padang


i look kinda sneaky? dunno wat i was doing.

eh.. they were trying to do something to me? i dun remember.

lol.. i went there, but i dunno/remember all of my sis's colleagues' names XD. just rem some.
from left: dunno her name (shall call her DHN) , melissa, karen, me, fiona, joreen, joreen's husband.

from right: boss, joreen, my sis and the rest.

right= my shoe, left= my sis's


omg.. look at that visor. cover whole face one

started loh~~ this is only part of section C. still got A,B,D

aiya... they wun wait for me de. so i quickly took this photo without changing modes and stuff. so not very nice.


my sis said i ruined the photo -.-. but melissa dun think so =D

quick snap


uh, one of them asked "did our company hire a photographer?". haaz, cos i keep taking photos.



we did walk past some coffee shops, provision shops and 7-11, but a lot ppl. then! we saw this vending machine =D.

choose choose~

dong 錢 dong 錢
okie actually we were quite near padang already when we bought the drinks. haha. oh it's a 5km walk btw.. walked to kallang there, then go back to padang down beach road. oh i've got a voucher booklet, inside got cenosis voucher.. think it's the NDP voucher booklet. was just flipping then i saw Cenosis flipped past, so i flipped back. 有靜茹的照片! LOL.

yea we're back! eh i just realised i din 合照 with a lot ppl.

then we went to cafe cartel to have breakfast.

my tea and fiona's coffee.. we ordered first and din wait for the others. LOL

my sis's french toasts with sausages

my french toasts with bacon

fiona's erm.. dun remember the name.

DHN's breakdfast

melissa's pancake
eh still got other ppl de lar.. but i never talk to them de. lol. so din take photos. eh after eating breakfast, karen, fiona, melissa, DHN, another lady, my sis, and i went shopping. that another lady went off then went off first too. then eh.. we walk walk walk. 不知不覺中, me and my sis lost sight of them. lol. so we walked till the end of city link, and my sis called her bf. he was just behind us a bit. lol. eh then we accompany him go eat his lunchie.



chilli fries. tastes more like curry.

eh my sis's hand is there because we wanna pai how big the burger is. OMG, her bf can easily finish the burger lor.. so BIG. i think i can't even finish the fries if i buy a meal, 更何況是那個漢堡。
he bought a set lar. me and sis shared a coke only.. i almost fell aslp when i lie on the table. so tired becos of the lack of slp for the whole week. eh after eating, we went to Creative inside marina square. shaun intended to buy a mp3 and a new 3G phone. end up.. we 2 each bought a 5.1 sound system. LOL. zen v plus is cute, but it's not out yet.. maybe he'll get that. hurhur. eh then we took cabbie.. i slpt till they alighted at shaun's place.. then cab drove to cck lor. i had to 扛 the speakers home.. quite heavy.
then when i reached home, my didi was more excited than me when we set the system up together. lol.. first song i tried it with was 靜茹's 一對一。 muahahas.. becos can hear the bass more clearly. then jiu 燕尾蝶. hur goodie.
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bleahs. i'm hungry. tat's all for now. buh byEe
starting point: padang


i look kinda sneaky? dunno wat i was doing.

eh.. they were trying to do something to me? i dun remember.

lol.. i went there, but i dunno/remember all of my sis's colleagues' names XD. just rem some.
from left: dunno her name (shall call her DHN) , melissa, karen, me, fiona, joreen, joreen's husband.

from right: boss, joreen, my sis and the rest.

right= my shoe, left= my sis's


omg.. look at that visor. cover whole face one

started loh~~ this is only part of section C. still got A,B,D

aiya... they wun wait for me de. so i quickly took this photo without changing modes and stuff. so not very nice.


my sis said i ruined the photo -.-. but melissa dun think so =D

quick snap


uh, one of them asked "did our company hire a photographer?". haaz, cos i keep taking photos.



we did walk past some coffee shops, provision shops and 7-11, but a lot ppl. then! we saw this vending machine =D.

choose choose~

dong 錢 dong 錢
okie actually we were quite near padang already when we bought the drinks. haha. oh it's a 5km walk btw.. walked to kallang there, then go back to padang down beach road. oh i've got a voucher booklet, inside got cenosis voucher.. think it's the NDP voucher booklet. was just flipping then i saw Cenosis flipped past, so i flipped back. 有靜茹的照片! LOL.

yea we're back! eh i just realised i din 合照 with a lot ppl.

then we went to cafe cartel to have breakfast.

my tea and fiona's coffee.. we ordered first and din wait for the others. LOL

my sis's french toasts with sausages

my french toasts with bacon

fiona's erm.. dun remember the name.

DHN's breakdfast

melissa's pancake
eh still got other ppl de lar.. but i never talk to them de. lol. so din take photos. eh after eating breakfast, karen, fiona, melissa, DHN, another lady, my sis, and i went shopping. that another lady went off then went off first too. then eh.. we walk walk walk. 不知不覺中, me and my sis lost sight of them. lol. so we walked till the end of city link, and my sis called her bf. he was just behind us a bit. lol. eh then we accompany him go eat his lunchie.



chilli fries. tastes more like curry.

eh my sis's hand is there because we wanna pai how big the burger is. OMG, her bf can easily finish the burger lor.. so BIG. i think i can't even finish the fries if i buy a meal, 更何況是那個漢堡。
he bought a set lar. me and sis shared a coke only.. i almost fell aslp when i lie on the table. so tired becos of the lack of slp for the whole week. eh after eating, we went to Creative inside marina square. shaun intended to buy a mp3 and a new 3G phone. end up.. we 2 each bought a 5.1 sound system. LOL. zen v plus is cute, but it's not out yet.. maybe he'll get that. hurhur. eh then we took cabbie.. i slpt till they alighted at shaun's place.. then cab drove to cck lor. i had to 扛 the speakers home.. quite heavy.
then when i reached home, my didi was more excited than me when we set the system up together. lol.. first song i tried it with was 靜茹's 一對一。 muahahas.. becos can hear the bass more clearly. then jiu 燕尾蝶. hur goodie.
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bleahs. i'm hungry. tat's all for now. buh byEe
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