went to sim lim with my elder bro, my da jie & her bf. had lunchie once we reached there.

my ba chor mee. my sis ate this too

my bro's

my sis's bf ate this.. looks really yummie. it's hao chi de loh.. haa
after this jiu went up to sim lim look around.. they 3 bought their stuff lar. i bought nth cos din see it. then eh.. my sis needs to bargain for her laptop, so she asked me and my bro to go to the foodcourt to wait for her.. she took real long loh.. haha

we bought this while we wait...

we both din finish cos really bu hao chi! =X
so, when they've finally came down, we took cabbie back home loh.. after awhile, wo jiu meet up kw to go to this concert at UCC

think i got record something.. but i havent go and listend. lol.. after the concert, i went to stay at kw's place. watched 1 anime, and the slow character made me feel that the anime is really slow.. haha. disturbed ly awhile and went to slp. i din really slp tho. haaz
hmmm.. went home to bathe before meeting ly and kw. went to kopitiam for the dim sum.. and they're... not nice de =.=. hai hao i got buy prata.
hmmm chop chop finish the food, went home to get some stuff, and we met again. went to woodlands lib. one of them cant get her book and the other was doing her work. me? play with lappy loh. after that, went to have sakae

mine= unagi, kw's= teriyaki chicken, ly's= i forgot the name
kw took some photos with her cammie la.. but i lazy edit the photos now.. so.. i going to slp liao.. YAWNZZ. morning~